Oranges for Riverside -- a worthy cause and a fun project to work on!
October 8, 2012
The house looks a little bare... I delivered my a-bit-bigger-than-a-basketball orange to the Riverside Art Museum. It had been with me since the spring-- waiting patiently through the summer for a design to get worked out and then painted. I decided on a simple carved-look design based on some vintage post cards heralding Riverside's noted orange groves. It's titled "Carved into History."
The $500 sponsorships raised for each of the 100-plus oranges painted by local artists will benefit the art programs at the museum. Our sons took drawing, painting and video classes there and I taught a number of calligraphy classes for adults and children at RAM. And there was a year or so that I hand lettered the menu each week for the Atrium, the Art Alliance's volunteer-run charming patio-dining restaurant. Lots of fun events and programs over the years, from Art Fun in the Sun to Designer Houses and member exhibits to attending special exhibits and lectures. It's nice to be part of something benefiting your community!
"Carved into History"